Gerson Therapy: Ray of Hope for Cancer Patients?
Gerson Therapy: Ray of Hope for Cancer Patients? 1. Dr. Albert Schweitzer developed type 2 diabetes at the age of 75 years, in 1950 A.D. He was cured of it completely within six weeks and went on to receive the Nobel Peace Prize in 1952 A.D. for his philosophy of 'Reverence for Life'. He lived past 90 years. 2. His wife Helene had Tuberculosis (TB) when she was 63, somewhere in 1929 A.D., and was cured of it when there were no antibiotics to treat it and in most cases, people with TB had to die. She lived for another 28 years after that. 3. Their 19-years old daughter Rhena was cured of serious skin disease. 4. Charlotte Gerson was cured of an advanced stage TB when she was only 12 years old at a time when over a million people had lost their lives in Europe to only TB. She lived till the age of 96. 5. Professor of Medicine Yoshihik...