In the wonderland of Samskrit The word संस्कृत means polished or refined. It is allied to words like संस्कृति (samskriti), meaning culture or civilization, and संस्कार (samskara), meaning purification ceremony or sacrament. Most Indian languages, to a greater or lesser degree, trace their roots in Sanskrit. In that sense, more than a mother tongue, Sanskrit is a grandmother tongue. Indeed, that influence extends beyond the boundaries of today’s India, to elsewhere in Asia. Nepal’s motto is जननी जन्मभूमिश्च स्वर्गादपी गरीयसी . This is taken from the Valmiki Ramayana and means, “The mother and the mother-land are superior to heaven.” The name of the national airline of Indonesia is Garuda, which is also a Samskrit word and is believed as a carrier of Bhagwan Vishnu. There are several such instances in South Asia and Southeast Asia. The name of the Bangkok airport in Thailand is called “Swarna Bhoomi”,...